
Learn more about defining routes in your Caesar web app.


In a Caesar web app, routes are defined in the config/routes.go file. This file is used to define the routes for your web app, and is where you can define the handlers for each route.

func RegisterRoutes(
// Inject your controllers here...
) *core.Router {
	router := core.NewRouter()
	router.Render("/", pages.WelcomePage())

	return router

List the registered routes in your app

The caesar list:routes command will list all the routes that are registered in your app.

caesar list:routes

Defining routes

Rendering pages

To render a page, use the Render method on the router. The Render method takes two arguments: the route path and the handler function.

router.Render("/", pages.WelcomePage())

HTTP methods

To define a route that responds to a specific HTTP method, use the Get, Post, Put, Patch, Delete, or Options methods on the router.

router.Get("/users", func(ctx *core.CaesarCtx) error {
    return ctx.SendText("List of users")

router.Post("/users", func(ctx *core.CaesarCtx) error {
    return ctx.SendText("Create a new user")

router.Put("/users/{id}", func(ctx *core.CaesarCtx) error {
    return ctx.SendText("Update user with id " + ctx.PathValue("id"))

router.Patch("/users/{id}", func(ctx *core.CaesarCtx) error {
    return ctx.SendText("Patch user with id " + ctx.PathValue("id"))

router.Delete("/users/{id}", func(ctx *core.CaesarCtx) error {
    return ctx.SendText("Delete user with id " + ctx.PathValue("id"))

Route handler

In Caesar, a route handler is a function that is called when a request is made to a specific route. The handler function takes an argument of type *CaesarCtx and returns an error.

It wraps the standard http.ResponseWriter and http.Request objects, and provides additional methods to interact with the request and response.

func(ctx *core.CaesarCtx) error {
    return ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, "Hello, World!")